Author: dawless

  • Beat Making Ideas

    Beat Making Ideas

    Do you need help making fresh beats. Here is a handy online resource of drum machine patterns that can be used with any drum machine. The patterns are written out in a simple grid notation for Bass Drum (BD), Snare Drum (SD), Closed and Open Hi-Hat (CH,OH). They provide a solid starting point for building…

  • Microfreak MIDI Controller for Analog Lab

    Part of my studio setup is a 20 year old 88key Yamaha Electric Piano, that I like the key bed of, but it only has 8 sounds and two buttons. Really, that is why I bought it, I figured at the time that if I get a keyboard devoid of whizzy features, then I might…

  • Welcome to

    Welcome to, where we bring news, reviews, tips and sounds to help you on your DAWless musical journey. What is DAWless? In essence, it is making music without a Digital Audio Workstation (DAW). If you have ever created music at home or in your studio with a DAW, such as Logic, Cubase or Ableton…

  • Recording DAWless …. with a DAW!

    When it comes to recording your DAWless jams, there are plenty of options from oldskool reel to reel tape, standalone recorders, hybrid devices, ipads, or even a DAW! What? So yes, maybe you are into DAWless production for getting away from a laptop, but the chances are you already have a laptop and if it…

  • Elektron Devices Comparison

    Getting to know your Digitakts from your Digitones and trying to figure out which Elektron product might be right for you with their wealth of often overlapping features is a challenging task. Here we have grouped together the devices by their primary feature, which is tricky since most Elektron devices can support several key functions,…

  • Sidechain Compression with Circuit Tracks

    Sidechain Compression with Circuit Tracks

    Sidechain compression is a popular effect in music production for reducing or compressing the signal of one track based on the level of another track. Frequently in Electronic music, the kick drum is used as source signal and then the compression effect is applied to a synth or pad on every beat of the kick.…

  • DAWless for Under $500

    You can easily build a Dawless setup for under $500! You do not need dozens of devices to make music. The basic components of any setup are drums, synths, samplers and sequencers. One way to shortcut this is with a groovebox as it combines several features into one small convenient package. Here is a straightforward…