Category: DAWless Jams
What is a DAWless Jam?
The term DAWless Jam refers to making electronic music without using a Digital Audio Workstation (DAW). So, instead of relying on computer software like Ableton Live or Logic Pro, we use hardware such as drum machines, synthesizers and sequencers to create and perform the music in real-time. This means mistakes might creep into the performance,…
Roland Aira T-8 Solo Jam
DAWless jam with the Roland T8. So much fun having the 303 bass and a drum machine squeezed into this tiny portable box. There are a few shortcuts to jump to some menus like sidechain, but its still a bit fiddly to perform on!
Dawless Light Industrial Techno Jam
Brining the noise this week with a more industrial flavour. The Microfreak is used for percussion alongside the Crave has the Mix control dialled to Noise. Combined together with the drum machine and only adding in minimal melodic elements the track starts to build to a satisfying drone and rhythm around the 3minute mark.
DAWless Jam #4
New Synthesizer jam on the DAWless you tube channel. A melodic improvised DAWless Jam with the Microfreak, Typhon and Crave, all sequenced by the Keystep Pro.
Dawless Jam #3
I am starting a new weekly improvised dawless jam series on the Dawless youtube channel. This one is featuring a little bit of everything. I had sounds coming from the Microfreak, Circuit Tracks, Drumbrite, Typhon, Crave and T8. Sequencing is by the Keystep and some extra reverb and delay as always from the tc electronic…
New DAWless EP
I have a brand new DAWless EP of mostly Ambient Techno Electronica with a few diversions into trance released on Spotify and other streaming platforms at the end of 2023 The 4 tracks were all created in my home studio mostly as a live performance using Circuit Tracks, Behringer Crave and TD-3, the Arturia Microfreak,…
Ambient Live Looping with Behringer Crave and Valeton GP-200
Building an Ambient loop using just a Behringer Crave mono synth and the Valeton GP-200 MultiFX guitar pedal which has a built in looper. Despite owning many different instruments, sometimes it can be great fun to restrict a session down to just one or two. Using a looper is an interesting way of discovering new…
How to create a DAWless Ambient Techno Jam
Here is a new live DAWless ambient techno jam created with an Arturia Microfreak, Behringer TD-3, Behringer Crave, Novation Circuit Tracks and Valeton GP-200 MultiFX pedal. Background Noise There are 2 instrument tracks on the Circuit Tracks, plus one each on the Crave, Microfreak and TD-3. In advance I setup a Cm-add9th chord on each…